Sunday, April 16, 2006



Dear Friends,

Due to immense interest shown by many friends here in ABU DHABI as well as friends from MALAYSIA ,INDIA i have decided to dedicate a blog web page for the Almighty and try to post useful information and rare collection of details related to Self realisation, Vishnu sahasranama and other prayers, slokas , as well as any other useful thoughts for the benefit of our friends.

As i am spending and plan to spend time on these topics i request all of you to log in to this web page and provide your comments.

I hope this web page also will be useful as a reference for many interesting and informative topics and issues to know, understand and practice in day to day life and also i can keep in touch with all of you which will give me more strength to develop this site.

Thanking and expecting your support ....


Dear Mr.Datta,

Thanks for your time to view my this blog on vishnu sahasranama.

I am posting the english version of the VSN and inform you .

Thanks and Regards,

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